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CEO Katie Hood Speaks at The Nantucket Project

CEO Katie Hood Speaks at The Nantucket Project

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At One Love we have come to realize that relationships are at the fundamental core of humanity. Yet, we don’t spend enough time talking about the relationships we deserve; and conversely the unhealthy and potentially abusive relationship behaviors that we should not tolerate in our lives. On September 16th, CEO Katie Hood took the stage at The Nantucket Project to talk about the public health epidemic that society isn’t speaking enough about – relationship abuse.

The core of what One Love does is create powerful content that starts the conversation about healthy and unhealthy relationships. With every in person and online conversation we start through the Escalation Workshop or our #ThatsNotLove campaign, we are recalibrating peoples’ sense of what’s normal in a relationship. And you can help us do the same.

Below are two conversations you can start in your community using content, tools, and discussion guides.

1. Use the #ThatsNotLove campaign

Sometimes the best way to help someone understand the difference between love and control in a relationship is to actually show them. By sharing our #ThatsNotLove campaign videos, you can educate those around you about the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship behaviors. You can share these online or in person and use one of the discussion guides to start a conversation. We recommend checking out our Because I Love You guide–which you saw a clip of in the video above–or our Behind the Post guide.

2. Talk to a young person in your life about relationships

Starting the conversation early will help young people establish a solid understanding of what a healthy relationship consists of. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship, so give the young people in your life the tools they need to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy behaviors at a young age. To help you with this, we’ve created Start a Conversation: A Guide for Talking to Young People in Your Life about Relationships that uses real insights from experts and survivors to help guide your discussion.

Together, we can change the statistics

Relationship abuse is a national epidemic that affects people of every age, race, gender, ability, orientation, and religion. We believe that just one conversation can save a life. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship where they feel safe, respected, and happy. Together, we can make this possible and change the statistics around abuse forever.

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