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MAPS 9th Grade Health Class

Workshop Materials


10 Signs of a Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship (English)


Couplets Discussion Guide

Are there any unhealthy behaviors that people might argue are healthy?
Are there any healthy behaviors that people might argue are unhealthy? Why?

What should you do if someone is being manipulative toward you?

Can you think of a time when you saw someone get angry, loud, or destructive (throwing, kicking, hitting, screaming)?

How did they handle their anger and how did it make you feel?

Draw an outline of an image that represents you. It might be something like a body, a house, or a backpack.

Inside of the outline, write or draw things that are important to you and have a positive effect on your life.

Outside, write or draw things that you want to avoid, that have a negative effect on your life.

In each ring of the bullseye, I want you to draw at least 1-2 images that represent people in your support system.

The people in the center of the bullseye are the ones you are closest to.

The people in the furthest ring of the bullseye might be acquaintances or classmates who you don’t consider your closest friends but who you’d like to get to know better.

What’s your biggest takeaway from our conversation today?

How are you going to apply what you have learned to your current friendships and relationships?

Post-Workshop Participant Survey

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Your feedback is important.